Welcome to "La Casa De Bolling". Haha. It's not quite the hotel my kids probably wish to stay at, but they could always choose to find a new home!? Seriously, my kids actually LOVE this and were asking, actually begging for it as soon as school let out. Everyday, I slip our scripture passage for the week AND daily responsibilities underneath their bedroom door. When they wake up, they each know what is expected of them. We all thrive off of structure and routine in our house. Besides, life is NOT about staying in your pajamas all day long. You saw the "Bored" sheet and scripture sheet yesterday... Today, I finished their chore list for MONDAY! Like what you see? I inserted a template for you to use and fill in for your own kids.
Below: First up, Ty's chore list. Each shape earns each child 30 minutes of electronics time. If they complain or do the "shape" incorrectly, then no electronic time is earned. The "BORED" spot earns them ONE hour of electronic time. WOW!!!! The "bonus chore" earns them 15 extra minutes of electronics OR a cash reward at the end of the week.

The below template is for ME to use daily/weekly. I will just add to the diamond daily/weekly, but everything else will always remain the same.

The below template is FOR YOU! Fill in the blanks, using your own pretty handwriting OR insert a text box and type it in.

thanks for sharing