Our family is super excited about participating in our FIRST Turkey Dash, 5k race, on Thanksgiving Day! We are signed up to walk, so that we can remain together as a family, but I think the boys have plans of "winning", so they are begging to run. LOL! The only thing I am concerned about is the COLD weather. I am putting myself to the test by adding a race, to my agenda, on Thanksgiving Day. Normally, it's a challenge to get everything cooked, cleaned up, and have everyone showered before eating dinner. I have a yummy breakfast planned, along with some cute Thanksgiving decor, to get us motivated to get up and out early that morning. After the race, we plan to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade with the kids, while cooking, and then we will be off to the Shaffer's home (our pastor's family) to eat! We are looking forward to a nice, relaxing day of pigging out and counting our blessings!
This race is designed to serve those in need of food, shelter and clothing. All proceeds from this race go to our local rescue mission to help those in need. From what I understand, over 2,000 people have signed up to run or walk. There are another 500 community helpers, volunteering, to keep us safe and on track. It will feel so good to do something for the less fortunate. It's a lonely time of year to be without family and/or food, so I am so thankful our family can be a means to help them out before we enjoy some yummy "eats" of our own. I have explained to the kids why we are participating in this race. Sometimes I think our children have a hard time believing that some people don't have food to eat or a home to live in. This will give them new insight into that reality. I also can't deny that exercising before eating will be a wonderful, guilt-free way to enjoy the food and desserts placed before us.
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