Of course, we had to be adults yesterday. My children are so clueless. One of them woke up and asked if Darren was staying home, from work, just because it was his birthday?! Huh? This is a different child that is begging to stay home from school on their birthday. Sigh... Life started as normal. Darren went to work. Yes, he received loads of birthday hugs and kisses, but that's about it for the early a.m.

Darren asked me NOT to post anything about him on Instagram, but how could I NOT? So by 2:00 p.m., I had to dishonor his request. We always joke, but for real say he is a private figure and I am a public figure. He spills nothing, I spill it all.
This man is my entire life. I am so grateful for the amazing HUMAN that he is to both myself and my children. I appreciate, so much, the way that he loves me. He is always making me smile and laugh. And although it's not by choice, I love how he keeps my feet warm at night.
In between lunch and his arrival home, I had a customer appointment, but then I got busy decorating, just a little, for the evening festivities. I also had to wrap his gifts. I was pleased with the simplicity of the decor, but I also believe it really made him feel so special and loved.
Lilah still had to go to dance, so our evening was NOT fully spent celebrating. Darren arrived home, I blessed him with two gifts, he took Lilah to dance, so that I could finish up some details, and then when he arrived home, I went BACK to pick her up. I picked up Five Guys for dinner. Yes, very casual. To be honest, we are going to enjoy a NICE dinner out without our children. Our children would rather eat McDonald's so we will save the fine dining to just us as a couple. Friday we will enjoy a nice lunch, at Long Horn steakhouse, and let the celebrating continue because Darren is far more worthy of celebrating more than one day. Long Horn is not exactly fine dining, but it's still yummy.

Dinner was so yummy! Such a great reason to splurge on something so fattening. The kids could NOT stand the excitement of giving Darren his gifts, so as we ate, one by one, the kids handed him gifts.

I try to be clever in my gift giving, so when I spotted these socks, I couldn't resist buying these socks to Darren. He is such a comedian and oddly enough we have been gifting socks to each other. Funny socks. So I guess you could say that we have accidentally started a new tradition of funny sock giving.
If you LOVE these socks and wish to gift them to your own hubby, you can do so by clicking here. This company was BEYOND speedy. I ordered them and they were here in three quick days. They made for a good laugh and are great quality.

I LOVED my new Rae Dunn find; the "Good Times" bag.

Darren also received a brand new set of T-Shirt Sheets (not featured) and a brand new pillow. This poor man has had the same pillow for 37+ years. It's time. I tested out like 95 pillows and I am hoping this is THE ONE. We slept on the sheets last night and I have to say that they are truly THE MOST COMFORTABLE sheets I have EVER had. Click here to purchase your own set. P.S. I had to drive to Christiansburg to get them because Bed, Bath, & Beyond had been out of them for over 3 weeks, locally. I purchased the charcoal color. 

One of my favorite gifts is something that Darren NOR I have EVER tried out, but we love looking NICE and have very limited time to shop, plus our mall is awful. I feel like it's truly going out of business, the entire thing. So, I purchased him a... DRUMROLL...

The clock was sold at Macy's for $50.00, but I bought it for $7.06 ON SALE for 85% off. SCORE! Click here to see a small youtube video on it. I just love it. It's so us. So different. I love DIFFERENT, modern, contemporary stuff.
We finished the evening with some serious and goofy photos and a delicious Carvel ice cream cake that my mom so generously bought for Darren.
I bought him a gift certificate to Stitch Fix. I have boycotted this long enough. I am ready to give it a try for myself too. I LOVE unique and creative gifts. I feel like this is something that Darren would NEVER do for himself.

Darren also received some nice articles of clothing (not featured), brand new shoes for work, and a tripod for his video camera (not featured). Darren came home today, after wearing the shoes for the first time, and was ranting and raving about them. He said he loves both the style and the comfort. Click here for more details on the shoes.
The kids gifted him two fun items for either our family office or his desk at work. The first is a table top basketball game and the second is a really cool clock that is displayed in words.

The kids gifted him two fun items for either our family office or his desk at work. The first is a table top basketball game and the second is a really cool clock that is displayed in words.

Happy Birthday Darren! We are blessed to call you ours!
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