Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! I just went to "Blogger" to see when I last posted and I am so sad to SEE that it has been ALMOST a FULL 2 MONTHS! This has absolutely NEVER happened before. My back log is so long, I'd have to be bed ridden for two months or longer to get caught up. I have been very diligent to post on Instagram because it is so quick and easy. BUT my BLOG is truly my baby and where my passion began, so I will NEVER give this up. I just had to let blogging take a back seat for these last two months. What has been keeping me so busy aside from NORMAL life responsibilities that we all have?
Well... Lilah was casted to be an orphan, in ANNIE, as you may have previously read. This required her and I to drive (3) nights, per week, to Fincastle. Most nights we were not getting home until close to 10:45 pm. And she wasn't just in theater. She is a competitive dancer, at Divine Dance Center, taking (4) classes and practicing for (1) duo, plus cheerleading, which has since ended, and NOW basketball. Here are a few sneak peaks of her Annie memories. Clearly, I will be posting them all very sooon! Lilah had (9) shows, three weekends back to back. Again, our drive to Fincastle is 34 minutes, there and back, on a GOOD day.

We never thought that basketball would be an option this year. However, he tried out with one hand, made the team, and was granted the captain of his team. Not only did he get released, to play during before the middle school season was over, but the JV coach called me and asked if Ty would be able to move up to JV after his middle school season was over. God is so good! Ty was the only one chosen to move up.
Our Jax was in football and is now on not one, but TWO basketball teams. One local youth program and one traveling, AAU team. He keeps us equally as busy as we cart him back and forth to practices, games, and film sessions.
I ranked (3) different times in only two months. I know that seems impossible right? I ranked two times in my outter circles and once in my inner circles. I received a ruby ring, a ruby pin, and my sapphire pin is on it's way! I am now ranked "LADY" within the company.
I got ONE foot of hair cut off and donated it to Pantene's donating program. I feel lighter, haha.
And our elves have arrived. This task alone, because of the way I do it, is enough to be a TRUE full time job! They have really gotten themselves into a ton of fun, messy, and eventful situations. It's a wonderful memory and tradition, but it is very time consuming. You can catch all of our elf shenanigans on my Instagram account @BollingWith5 AND/OR look up hashtag, "ElfOnTheShelfBW5".
These are just a FEW of the things that we have had going on, but rest assured there were 1,000 other things in between, like my sisters came to visit, a LipSense party, Thanksgiving, Christmas Shopping, banquets, a cast party, doctor appointments, dentist appointments, haircuts, Christmas decorating, birthdays, and so much more. I appreciate your patience as we try to do life. I know my faithful followers will stay put regardless of the quantities of times I am able to post, but it is my intention to get back into the grove. I love you all. AND from our family to yours,
WE wish you a very Merry Christmas and a HAPPY New Year!
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