Lilah was ready to audition and the audition dates were finally announced. There was a Sunday audition, the day we chose, that consisted of 25 actresses/actors and then there was a Monday audition. I am unsure of how many showed up on Monday.
Auditions consisted of a solo song, a dance learned within 10 minutes and performed in groups of 5, and several cold call readings. Lilah was anticipatory and confident in the cold reads and dancing, but she was a little anxiety stricken when it came to the solo song, even though the song was chosen by each person singing it. Personally, I think all of it takes immense courage. Being this is like a dream come true for me, I considered auditioning for the roll of Miss Hannighan, but I didn't have the courage myself.
Here is a small excerpt of the dance that Lilah had to learn with her group of five people.
Here is Liley's solo. She chose to sing "Tomorrow". The well known song that Annie sings in the movie. While others were auditioning, Lilah practiced her song outside of the theater. She got a little choked up because she knows that singing is not her STRONG point. I just encouraged her that this is NOT an audition for American Idol and to just "do [her] best and forget the rest!" I also reminded her to think of our dearest friend and beloved director Ms. Georgia, who recently passed away. I think she did great.
And then... the cold reads began!
While we waited, I pulled up all of the Annie photos, from a previous Halloween, when Lilah dressed up as Annie.
And then the phone rang and Miss Trina asked to speak to Lilah! These call backs are between the director and the child and I was SICK with nerves UNTIL, she smiled BIG and gave me a thumbs up... she MADE IT. Lilah received a call back. Lilah once dressed up like Annie and pretended to be her and NOW, she will be performing, in front of a live audience, on stage, as one of the main orphans named TESSIE!
And now our evening drives to Fincastle, three days, a week begin.
During the first practice, we learned who got which role and the cast did an entire read through. 
Lilah received her very own Annie script.
And now... for the first time ever, I am living vicariously through my daughter. I can't deny... I am a tad jealous, haha, but in a GOOD way. #ProudMom
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