Some 12-year-old is about to turn 13. We've celebrated him with a Cookie Monster, Fire Truck, all things "GREEN", Pump It Up, Pirate, Dinosaur, All-Sports, Minute-To-Win-It parties. Then, we slowly started canning parties and chose to just have milestone birthday parties. I believe turning a teenager definitely falls into the realm of a "milestone birthday". I tread thin ice planning the party because everything that I love... seems cheesy to him. He's really into FORTNITE. So... we decided to plan a real PAINTBALL gun fight BATTLE. I used a little FortNite wording to grab the attention of his party guests.
I know NOTHING about FortNite, but apparently there is a Battle Bus on the game. Side story: I showed Ty the means of transportation that he and his friends would be taking to Wolf's Ridge Paintball. I had planned to rent a HUMMER Limo. Ty immediately put a halt to it. I was so shocked and oh so bummed. He thought that was the cheesiest thing E-V-E-R. SO, I will save that special detail for Ms. Diva Liley. Now, we have a legit "Battle Bus". Stay tune... Haha.

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