Friday, May 29, 2015

First Birthday "Must Do's"

TheStir has ask if I have any 1st birthday "must do" ideas.  Sadly, I didn't have blogs back then, so I am randomly posting the ideas, to our current blog, that I once did when my children turned 1. This post is meant to be shared with the editor, of the stir, and then of course their 30 million viewers!!!

First birthdays are fun! And should totally be memorable and documented. I shared the idea of preserving memories here, and now here are a few more ideas that you might desire using for your one year old birthday boy or girl.

An Individual Cake:  This is probably the FIRST time that your baby will have ever tasted cake, so why make him/her SHARE?  Allow the guests and the birthday boy/girl to have their OWN cake!  Our firstborn, Ty, had a Cookie Monster 1st birthday, so we made his individual birthday cake to look just like a chocolate chip cookie!
The guests cake looked like this!
Lilah and Jax ALSO had their own individual cakes. Their first birthday theme was Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

Time Capsule
If you've never heard of this before, let me explain.  We asked our guests to bring an item that was representative of Tyson's 1st year of life (2005-2006).  tyson will not be permitted to unseal the treasure box until he turns 18.  
First Year Portraits
You only turn ONE once, so capture this sweet moment with first year portraits.  Here are a few of my kids' first year photos. It's NOT quite what I would do NOW, if I had to do it all over again, but remember, this is 6-10 years ago.  My have times changed...a ton!  Back then, there was NO pinterest and people didn't do this kind of stuff, unless they went to Olin Mills. Haha.  I, on the other hand, probably was one of the few who got creative without pinterest.
 Party Guests Autographs
Life will change A LOT over time.  People will come and go, in and out of your lives, but it's nice to recall who was at your first birthday by having them sign a photo mat and place it around your first birthday photo.  
Document Handprint!
Your little one won't be little for long. Sheesh, that one year old little boy, below, just turned 10!!! So...document those little features that are so special, such as a handprint.  I bought a 5 tier handprint tower to document handprints from years 1-5.  It certainly could be a birthday tradition until they turn 6. Ty hated to be dirty, so putting his hand into wet clay wasn't fun or appealing to him.  
I wish I had more ideas to share with you! Of course, a 1st birthday party is critical! Be it a huge elaborate party or a very simple, intimate party with family, who cares, just as long as you celebrate such a special day!


  1. Hi, I love your cookie cake! I'm wanting to do something similar for my sons first birthday and I'm just wondering what size cake pans you used and if it is 2 layers? The sizing of your cake looks perfect! Thanks :)

    1. Hey! Thank you for your sweet compliments. It's been at least nine years since then. However, I believe the 6 inch in diameter pan by 3 inches deep pan by Wilton is what was used. Let me know if you have any other questions. Happy birthday

  2. Love these memorable ideas! I'm planning my son, James' first. He's my youngest. I have a daughter named, Lilah, too! She is 6 years firstborn. You are blessed with a beautiful family. -Katherine

  3. Curious what you used for the cookie cake icing? I'm thinking of making one for my son's 1st birthday and I was unsure what to use to get that color. Thanks!

    1. I hired a baker for this cake. I have since taken my own cake decorating classes and now make my own. They have a taupe or tan dye. That's what I would use.

    2. Thank you for a quick response!


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