Ty's party is getting closer and closer and to make the parents more comfortable with the specific details of the WHERE, WHAT, WHEN, I created a party itinerary for them. I am pretty excited about it. Don't be too impressed by my FortNite knowledge. I had to research FortNite to learn all of the correct terms and verbiage. LOL! I am either going to be the coolest parent in the world or the cheesiest parent in the world. I accept either or... Haha. If Ty chooses cheesy, then I know really, deep down inside, he thinks I am the coolest mom E-V-E-R. LOL!

I know this party theme is going to be CRAZY POPULAR, just a fast as I can SNEEZE, so I created a semi-blank, party itinerary for ALL to use for their own FORTNITE party!

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