I explained to Tyson that his daddy and I were really Santa and the Easter bunny. I wanted him to know that WE were the one's who picked out these special gifts for him and his siblings.
A close friend of mine shared an idea with me that she was going to try this Easter with her children. She got the idea here. This was the pivital point, the confirmation, that giving my children an Easter basket was OOOOOOOOKay! It was the most beautiful way to give them an Easter basket too because we gave ALL the GLORY to God for the gifts they received.
FIRST, we went on a rock hunt. Each child was asked to pick out three rocks.
Jax knew right away how this was done! He and his brother do this all the time for fun.
Lilah was having a hard time finding "big" rocks. She kept bringing me pebbles. So cute. Such a girl.
Then, we came inside and talked about some sins that we struggle with. The kids literally spoke of three individual sins that that each felt they struggled with and we labeled EACH of their rocks, representing their sins.
Tyson's sins are "fretting" his brother and sister, not having patience, and saying bad words (poop, fart, etc...).
Jaxon's sins are not listening the first time, whining, and scratching.
We placed their "sins" in a basket and left the basket outside before heading to church.

Upon returning home from church, the basket was GONE! We explained to the children that in return for our sins, God was going to give us a basket of blessings, just like He did when he gave us His only son Christ. Christ paid it all. In exchange for our sins, God gave us life in Christ Jesus. That is the greatest blessing we could ever receive. I really think this is an amazing tradition that will bear much more meaning and weight than anything the "Easter Bunny" could bring, do, or say. It will produce greater thoughts about our sin, it will plant seeds, and it will keep the focus on the true meaning of Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, ultimately and hopefully bringing them to salvation. BUT, please know, I do NOT look down upon or judge a soul who enjoys some Easter bunny imaginative fun/traditions.
Here are the baskets of blessings God gave to the children this Easter.
I think that's a great idea. Just remind him not to share that secret with his friends b/c they may still believe. I had some 5 year olds in my AWANA's class at Christmas saying that Santa isn't real. I was FURIOUS that they were trying to spoil it for other kids.
ReplyDeleteI agree. That has happened to Tyson in the past and it made me pretty upset too. We went to the mall yesterday and Ty asked, "Is it a crime to tell someone the Easter bunny isn't real?" I said, "No, but don't you dare ruin it for someone just because you now know."