Our Thanksgiving Day started with food and family and we are thankful the Lord has given both to us! We are so blessed!!! Since the kids have been born, we have spent 1/10 Thanksgivings at home, without extended family. This was our 2nd Thanksgiving home, without extended family, and the kids were wondering if I planned to do my famous early morning "Drumstick Dash" breakfast. It's amazing how much these little boogers remember. So...I did just that. I made our 2nd Annual Drumstick Dash early morning breakfast. We had gourmet muffins ranging from chocolate chip to blueberry to banana nut, scrambled eggs, applewood bacon, and O.J.! I love that our kids look at these times as special moments, shared together, forming our own little Bollingwith5 traditions. We "gave thanks" to our Heavenly Father before eating!

Because not everyone is as blessed as we are, we chose to spend the morning "Moving our feet, so others can eat!" We participated in the 10th Annual Drumstick Dash.
I actually made it to a photo (a very grainy photo). OH WELL! Thanks Hannah for taking it!!! Our church was also there, but we walked separate from them because we brought our dogs. Sadly, I found out afterwards, we still could have walked with them. BOOOOO! Next year! I love that our entry fees included a t-shirt, so we could all match. They also gave the dogs cute bandanas.

This year we brought Sadie and Simon!!

Check out the SWORMS of people.

I LOVE how the race volunteers prepped the mile markers for the dogs. They lined the roads with dog bowls filled with water.
We all took turns walking the dogs.

I loved the site of the downtown buildings.
From behind. LOL!

Hotel Roanoke.

FINISH line aka 3.2 miles. We finished in 1.20 hours. HAHA. NOT good timing, but again, the kids and dogs slowed us down. I was VERY grateful though that the kids didn't need to be carried. They walked the ENTIRE RACE. Lilah complained towards the end BECAUSE she had to use the potty! I just reminded her WHY we were walking and that the day was supposed to be about what we are grateful for. I think it stopped her dead in her tracks.
Ty was so upset I was bringing a chocolate dessert, so we made homemade peanut butter fudge together. Ty is NOT American. He loathes chocolate and french fries.

I was on a barstool taking a picture of the desserts I was going to be bringing to the Campbell's home and...
My handsome hubby was taking a picture of me taking a picture of the desserts, LOL! I tricked him, turned the camera, and wound up taking a picture of him instead. Hence the blurriness. Hehe.

Just like our morning began with food/family, our evening ended with food and friends (church family).
Two cuties: Chastity and Lilah.

I only took the above photos. I guess I was too busy eating and yapping, but I did video record a jam session between Brian and Darren. They both have a love for music and enjoy spending time together playing musical instruments. Brian has a pretty awesome "studio". Hehe. It was a great day! I went to bed at 8:45 pm. I WAS BEAT!! Thank you Campbell family for sharing your home with us. We had a wonderful time!
That bacon was so burnt. I'll never forget it.