On March 25th, my twins' ACTUAL birthday, we had to wake up at 2:30 a.m. to head to the airport and ultimately HOME to Roanoke. It wasn't the best day to travel. The timing was quite frankly BAD, but we flew Allegiant Airlines and they only offer 2 days a week to fly. Originally, our gift to the twins WAS the trip, but I KNEW in my heart that I couldn't stick to that because of the fact that on their special day they would be consumed with jet lag and an early a.m. wake up calls. I planned ahead and had gifts READY to greet them when we arrived home.
Spoiled? Eh. It's all situational. Most of the gifts were "needs" or small/fun filler items. Others, were things they really wanted, so we just made it possible for their wishes to be our command.
I reused the balloons from the trip reveal (how's that for recycling?). I displayed their gifts in our living room.
The twins were surprised, but not surprised. They kept asking if they had any presents to open, but I kept saying, "The trip was your gift!" I get it, they are kids. Kids like gifts. And birthdays are accompanied with gifts. I can't blame them. Had we planned this trip a little better, I probably would have stayed longer and actually celebrated them with cake and a small gift, in ORLANDO, so it felt like their birthday rather than an ordinary day thanks to our vacation being over.

It's really hard coming up with gift ideas for these kids. They really do have it all. They are quite blessed. I have to take the subtle hints that my children do NOT realize they are making and just make mental notes. Lilah LOVES the app tiktok and apparently the below white glasses are VERY popular and supposedly HARD to find in stores BUT, I found them... on AMAZON of course. Is your daughter in love with the tiktok app too? Purchase these sunglasses for her and you will be the next best thing to apple pie. She will wonder HOW you knew!!
Lilah was most definitely SHOCKED and super excited. She could NOT wait to make her FIRST tiktok with them. By the way, these photos are awful because I was fighting the sunlight beaming in through my living room windows.
Lilah has a really HARD time keeping her regular prescription glasses clean, so when I saw this swivel swipes micro-fiber cleaner, I was tickled to death. NOW, she can use it to keep her prescription glasses AND her new tiktok glasses CLEAN. I spotted this item at Bed, Bath, AND Beyond. Click here to buy one for yourself. I couldn't find the link for BBB, so I am using a link found on Amazon.
Lilah is constantly LEANING her iPad on my plants, up against 2-Liter bottles of soda/water bottles, or anything else in her close proximity. It's rather annoying because everything in my kitchen gets completely moved around and OF COURSE not put back in it's proper place, so we purchased Lilah a Joby Gorilla Pod. This item WILL hold a camera, but it will NOT hold an iPad, so be sure to purchase the Joby GripTight Mount Pro Holder. I love this thing because she can wrap it around a tree, her trampoline, or just stand it upright.
The original Stretch Armstrong was just a small "filler" for Jax. Apparently, this was a really cool toy long ago. I found it at Christmas and forgot to give it to him.

Have you EVER seen one or played with one? Click here to buy your own.
A few fillers for Lilah were a unicorn frappuccino mix and a unicorn frappe, strawberry scented facial mask.
My kids certainly LOVE candy and when I spotted this GUMMY Happy Meal, I had to buy it for Jax! This little, cutie pie was anxious to give it a taste test.
This item came from our local candy store downtown. What came inside? Read the box below.
Perfect for a kid who loves candy and McDonalds.
Jax got a brand new pair of headphones for his gaming systems. This set is good quality and we chose to purchase the replacement plan because they seem to break far too often.
GameStop cannot ask why or how they broke. They just have to replace them FOR FREE! Click here to buy your son/daughter a pair.
Another filler for Jax were these goggles that I picked up at Sam's Club. The truth is, he only gets to keep one pair. My plan was to put these in the kids' Easter baskets. LOL! Trust me, Jax did NOT get cheated. His BIG gift will be posted in another post, before the weekend is over, and you will agree.
A few of Lilah's fillers consisted of everything PINEAPPLE. A pineapple beach towel (Dollar General), bathing suit (Target), shirt (Justice), socks (Walgreens), earrings (Justice), AND a Justice sweatshirt (Justice). This seems like ENOUGH, I know, but Lilah's big gift is necessary and Jax's big gift is... well... not necessary but I get WHY he asked for it. SO, stay tuned. I'll probably post on the last set of gifts on Saturday evening, after a long day of basketball tournaments. 😩
If you have a 9 or 10 year old, you are probably in the same boat that I am in. They are in that IN BETWEEN age of being a BIG kid and a "TWEEN". I think I did a great job making sure I didn't gift them anything that was unnecessary according to their age (meaning, I almost gave Lilah a cell phone and it just wasn't sitting well with me!). I think you will love the ideathat I went with INSTEAD for Lilah. Stay tuned...
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