Lilah has been begging for a "sleepover" with ME. All she really meant was for ME to sleep in HER room with her. I think it's sweet, but I love sleeping with my husband, lol. I mean, if you were me, you would agree. AND truth is, no one sleeps well with a KID. They sleep every direction possible, but the right direction (vertical). Liley asked again on Friday night and I decided to bring her wish to fruition. And, if you have been following me for any length of time, you could probably guess that I took it one step further because EVERY. LITTLE. THING. IS. A. BIG. DEAL.

We started off our sleepover by making slime. It's Lilah's favorite past time, so I obliged. The slime supplies came complete with Elmer's Glue, sequins, glitter, and detergent activator.

I call Lilah my professional slime maker. She self-taught herself all about slime, through trial and error, as well as, by watching some of the BIG/famous youtubers who make slime. I knew what she needed, but I had NO idea how to make slime, so last night, she taught me.

Below: Lilah's Slime.
During our slime making extravaganza, Lilah kept saying, "Oh my goodness. I feel so honored you did all of this for me!"
Next up... Sleepover Party MadLibs. We each did TWO and then Darren joined us for ONE.
Those were fun and created some laughter for sure. Just imagine the words knee cap, belly button, smelly, and slippery inserted into a pre-designed story.

At this point, the time was 9:50 p.m. I decided it was movie time. We didn't have a movie picked out. Next time, that will be the only thing I change. We just turned on Netflix and chose something that looked half decent. The movie was decent. We laughed and at one point Lilah almost cried. It happened to be about a mother-daughter, so we could both relate. I will be sure to plan out our movie selection next time though. Maybe something a little more light hearted and funny. Our movie came complete with popcorn and candy.
I tried to pick out candy that Lilah loves and stuff I wouldn't be tempted to eat much of. The twizzlers and KitKats were all I sampled. I didn't want her to feel or see my restraints. I wanted to be her fun "friend" for the night.

I was so concerned I would doze off. What kind of friend does that? I was proud of myself that I only dozed off, ONCE, for about 30 seconds. I got busted too.
After the movie was over, it was close to midnight, so we decided to save the panda bear facial masks for tonight. We got ready for bed and had one last silly idea in mind! A big thank you to Tyson for taking the photo of us.
Lilah's bed does NOT typically look like this. She has GORGEOUS bedding, but I dressed up her bed to look more sleepover-party-ish. "Donut worry! Adventure awaits!"
Of course, no sleepover party is legit without cozy blankets and eye masks.

This was the BEST. NIGHT. EVER. I'm glad we could make this memory happen before the Summer comes to a close.
This sleepover took LITTLE planning and the details ARE NOT what is important to my girl (even though they are important to me). Lilah just wanted this time with me. So... if you have a special, little girl in your life: be it a daughter, niece, cousin, or God daughter, do yourself and HER a favor and MAKE.THIS.HAPPEN.
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