When you do NOT LOVE the idea of giving flowers to anyone, much less a 9 year old who could careless about flowers (in the long run) you feel like you are WINNING when... you are walking into the Jefferson Center, on Recital Day, and your daughter exclaims, "Mommy, why do people give out flowers at recitals and opening nights!?" SCORE! That just means that she doesn't necessarily associate FLOWERS with her special events. I have driven the message home that I don't really do flowers. I was able to tell her that flowers are a beautiful gift that are typically used for celebrations such as Mother's Day, the Birth of a Baby, or a Wedding Day, BUT... they are also used to cheer up people during an illness or death in the family. For me personally, I always consider the person I am giving a gift to with much detail. If someone is in the hospital even for a good reason, more than likely, they do NOT have time for extra responsibility. YES! It certainly is a special way to tell someone you are thinking of them, but I have also felt like it's the ordinary way of saying, "Here! I didn't have time to think of something else that you would rather have and everyone else is giving flowers!" Ahem... Valentine's Day is a PRIME example. Seriously? EVERY LADY gets flowers EVEN IF her significant other didn't want to buy them... he buys them anyway because IT'S. WHAT. EVERYONE. DOES!
Not me. Haha. And my daughter knows it.
During her Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs play, I made her this Candy Bouquet. She was OVER THE MOON ecstatic. A few dance rehearsals back, Lilah was obsessed with EOS chapstick, so I made her this Bouquet of EOS. I keep fearing that I am going to run out of ideas because of the countless recitals she's in, but the coolest thing is... I don't. This time, I just considered the recipient in full detail. I considered what Lilah's currently interested in and what she loves. The answer was simple... ELMER'S GLUE SLIME. I ran around town collecting ROY. G. BIV bottles of glue and created a floral bouquet of Elmer's Glue instead. Let's just say... this idea trumped flowers x 1,000,000,000. I absolutely love the way it turned out. Here's what you need to create your own Elmer's Glue bouquet:
Supplies List:
2. Lollipop Sticks or Skewers
3. Tape
4. A Hot Glue Gun
5. Greenery (Preferably FAKE)
6. Floral Cellophane
7. Ribbon
8. A Willingness To Go The Extra Mile
9. Foresight Into The Recipients RESPONSE.
Watch my hyperlapse video for a quick and easy VISUAL on HOW TO ASSEMBLE. I promise you, this recital gift will make your little girl or boy super duper pleased.
In addition to this bouquet of glue, I did purchase her a sweet bracelet that reminder he that with Jesus, all things are possible. This scripture is totally taken out of context far too often, but I do believe that Jesus is always with you, even at a Dance Recital. You can NEVER go wrong to lean on him during a time when you are filled with so much nervous excitement.
And then of course a little chocolate never hurts!!! Toblerone... it's one of Lilah's favs.
There you have it!!! Simple, creative, personal, and NOT ORDINARY!!!!
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