Over the Summer, I was introduced to an "event" that our town started and it became the fun, community Summer thing to do. It's called, "Salem Rocks"! Basically, you paint rocks, then you hide them, AND people can try to find them. You hide them anywhere around town and people can go out specifically looking for rocks OR they can just happen to come in contact with them. The kids and I went to Michael's Craft Store to buy paint colors and paint brushes.
One night, we began painting. We started LATE, like 7:00 p.m.
Everyone's personality and unique interests came out in their rock painting.
These were our finished rocks.
Ty painted the minion and football rock.
Jax painted the cross and dog rock.
Lilah painted the creamsicle and pink glitter rock.
I painted the watermelon and "Salem Rocks" rock.
I hid my first rock at my favorite place... Starbucks.
Lilah hid her glitter rock at Longwood Park. 
I'm not sure what was more fun... the painting or the hiding.
Ty hid his rock at none other than Glenvar High School.
Lilah hid her creamsicle rock, in Food Lion, near the "Slush Puppie" slushies.
And Jax had an idea to hide his dog rock, in the dog food section, at Food Lion.
While getting gas one day, I decided to hide my "Salem Rocks" rock, at 7 Eleven, near the gas tank.
The twins and I hid Ty's minion rock at a RedBox station.
We hope that hiding Jax's cross rock, at Kroger, helped someone feel loved by God!
And then we found rocks. We didn't choose to go out and look. We just hoped that we would come across some rocks, in our daily errand running.
The day we hid a watermelon rock, we also found a watermelon rock. Lilah found it at GreenHill Park, at the baseball field. The back of each rock was supposed to have the city/state the rock was from and Facebook hint. I didn't do it. Whoops. I was too lazy, but the person who painted the watermelon rock, that we found, did follow directions. LOL!
One day, we found a heart-shaped "LOVE" rock @Starbucks.
So cool!
The last rock that we found, we actually found in Roanoke, at Nature's Emporium. Darren spotted it. LOL! It sent us the message to "Read". No thanks! I hate reading.
The COOLEST part about this activity was that our end result was featured on Michael's Crafts website.
I feel like this fun activity has no ending. I continue to see people's findings all over Facebook. If you haven't done this yet OR your town hasn't done this... be a trend setter and start it.
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