1. Place a 300 PV Order and receive $600 worth of product to keep for yourself.
2. Place a 300 PV Order and receive $600 worth of product keep half and sell half, making your money back fully.
3. Place a 300 PV Order and receive $600 worth of product to sell ALL of it, either slowly or aggressively, and MAKE $300 profit.
ALL month LONG, in the month of September, you can place as many orders as you need to stock up on product to keep and/or sell at the largest DISCOUNTED price ever of 50% OFF.
The actual announcement/promotion is below.
The best NEWS is this... IF you decide after one week, one year, or five years, you want to quit, which you won't... SeneGence BUYS BACK ALL of your unsold/unused product for a full refund, less a 10% restocking fee. Can you BELIEVE THAT???? What company do you know DOES THAT?
Please contact me if you desire to sign up or if you are in need of MORE details. (540) 520-1853.
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I welcome and enjoy all comments by those who read my blog!! So please dont just withdraw...
Deposit a little something too :)