Eeeekkkkkk! I am just NOW blogging about the Fourth of July?!?! Good grief. Can you spell B-E-H-I-N-D. 

The morning of the 4th, I took a walk on the beach, with my dogs, and made sure to capture our great product, LipSense, sporting the American Flag. Hehe.

I came well prepared with all kinds of goodies for the 4th. Well, a suitcase filled, and more, to be exact.
My kids' morning started out with a red, "white", and blue breakfast. Mom of the year over here, served her kids cupcakes. Geez. I really was a cool mom this morning.
I also decorated our beach condo and laid out all of the goodies that I brought.
I even made my dogs a 4th of July breakfast.
So that was no different on July 4, 2017.
Daddy to the rescue though... he's like a GIANT KID.
Riding waves with dad always creates those sweet smile.

Ha! I tried to capture a cute, BEHIND photo... whoopsie.... where is Jax?

Sigh... it's just quite impossible to capture a GOOD group photo. This is real life people.
We interrupt this fun beach day to have a fun American Flag snack.
It was not my kids, but I, who created this flag out of my food. I know, I know. #EveryLittleThingIsABIGDeal

After a beautiful day on the beach, my crew got all dressed up in their red, white, and blue clothing. My sweet Liley is sporting JoJo Siwa's American flag bow, from Justice. I love it. Her dress was a "Rare Tradition" dress from Belk.

We may have trouble taking group shots, but the individual shots we have on point.
Love her.

Ty had on a really awesome shirt from Old Navy too. Way to go this year Old Navy!

Of to dinner we go... House of Blues.
What an awesome shot of Liley with her main squeeze.

I can't get enough of this kid. Just so special and sweet (MOST days).

They drive me crazy, but they make me equally as proud. I cannot complain, that is for sure. Three healthy, happy, beautiful, and SMART children. If we could just get the sibling rivalry under raps, I think motherhood would be perfect.

FINALLY. I got in a PHOTO. I was ON THIS VACATION after all. LOL!
After dinner, Lilah and Darren had a little father/daughter dance. You can tel Lilah was enjoying herself, but was also bashful.

Foreshadowing into her future wedding day! Sniff, sniff.

Daddy spinning Lilah around. Can you see her sweet self smiling up at him?

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