And off we went, to Myrtle Beach for Spring Break! Yahoo! I was completely fine with the dogs joining us, but I wasn't thrilled with them being in my car. I have gone since September, the month I got my brand new car, without having my dogs step foot in it EXCEPT for one time because they had a vet appointment. Taking then to Myrtle Beach is NEVER an issue, but I did NOT want them in my new car. Let's just say I have a little OCD issue. LOL! I wrapped the car in clear paint tarps and all kinds blankets. [Insert crying emoji].
The first night, we ate at a Mexican restaurant Then, we went to the new Publix grocery store that Bolling Steel built. We got all of our groceries there. That's pretty much ALL we had time for.

The first FULL day at the beach, I started my day by watching the sunrise with Ty-Ty. It was gorgeous. We saw a TON of washed ashore jelly fish too!

It's HARD to believe, but I truly took these photos with my iPhone!

I love the seagull in this one, just soaring through the air.
The water was nippy, but the sun wasn't FULLY out, so we expected that.

Simon and Sadie both were WIPED out after a full hour walk on the beach.

I am always thankful to have my little helper (Ty) with me. He had actually whispered in my ear, the night before, "Mom, can we do what we usually do? Sneak out and walk the dogs in the morning?" I am NOT going to pass up that opportunity ever!
After the long walk and breakfast, it was time for some SUN and poolside FUN!

I love this stage of life that we are in. We can just sit back, relax, and enjoy the poolside WITH or WITHOUT our kids. I even fell asleep at one point with NOT a care in the world. The only time they really need us is when they are hungry!! This was the first year they cared about getting a sun tan, so they actually relaxed some too.
Later that day, we went back to the beach and took the dogs with us again. We hung out with the dogs while the kids rode the waves.
Simon was SO hot, since he's black, that he kept trying to dig himself into the sand to cool off. Smart dog.

We just let them go, but sorta kept up with them as the current pulled them. I love that my kids are so brave and aren't afraid to explore, even IF they watched JAWS on the way down. Eeeek!
Raise the roof! Ahahaha. I have NO idea what he's doing here. He's so silly.
Our fishing pier is under renovation. This was the crane that was working on it. You are still able to use the entire pier except for the very end of it, which we did.
As much as I work out, I just have NEVER been satisfied with my legs. I have been that way since I have been in the third grade. So... I wore workout clothes to the pool and the beach the FIRST day. It certainly provided my tan to be very goofy looking. I looked like I had red trouser socks on. I definitely wore my bathing suit the next day to even things out, but my legs don't look any better TODAY (currently, as I type this).

Later that night, Darren treated us to a fabulous 5 star dinner, at Ruth Chris' Steakhouse.
I always try to color coordinate our family because I know there will be wonderful photo opportunities.


Being goofy!
I love when they get along!
Our waiter was actually an ELVIS impersonator outside of waiting tables.The kids convinced him to serenade us, but poor Lilah was also kissed. Ewe! and Awkard! My Liley handled it so well: gracefully and respectfully.

After dinner, we went to Broadway At The Beach! Darren took Liley on a mini date. They road the new ferris wheel together. She was so thrilled.
I thought I did a great job capturing this shot. Isn't it beautiful? The skies declare HIS glory.
I always post our beach trip in stages because we do so much during our time in Myrtle Beach. So stay tuned, for more about this trip (soon).
Great pics, glad ya'll enjoyed your Spring Break!!!