It's hard to believe that Vacation Bible School has already COME and GONE! This year, the theme was "Found Faithful". The children learned about all of the stories behind King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendnego. They learned how even through the most intense "tests" of faith, if you remain faithful, God will NOT leave you or forsake you. His grace is sufficient. It was a fantastic week!!! The children had so, so, so much fun and they learned a tremendous amount about God's power and Christ's redemptive work on the cross. They also enjoyed some Bible challenges, physical challenges, and piñata fun. Darren and I were responsible for the end of the week slideshow/photos. You can view ALL of the photos, from the entire week, by double clicking on the Picasa, online photo album below. If you are trying to view the album via a mobile device, it will NOT work!!!! It must be viewed from a landline. Enjoy the video as well!! An extra special thank you goes out to both Gretchen and Erin for their planning and attention to details for this event. It's something EVERYONE looks forward to.

I only posted a view of my favorite photos, from the week, in this post because there are far too many to post them all.

Where's TY? He's too OLD for regular VBS!! He is in the youth NOW and went to BIG BOY/GIRL VBS.

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