Lilah and Jax were in a first grade school performance, theme being, "Where The Wild Things Are!" It was based off of the movie. The kids were asked to dress like any animal. Lilah was a red panda and Jax was a tiger. Their costumes were thrown together literally two days before the event. The parents were warned far enough in advanced, but I just couldn't find anything that I liked or it was too pricey, in my opinion, for a one hour program.

Lilah borrowed a handmade, red panda from her friend Lillian. Lillian's mommy made the costume for her at Halloween. I recalled how cute it was and I asked her mommy Lauren if we could borrow it. She was very happy to let us borrow it. I contacted a face painter, who lives in our neighborhood, and she was available to paint both of my kiddos faces at the last minute. Her name is Cheri. You can check her out at Creative Expressions Face Painting. We were thrilled after finding her at Halloween. Cheri painted Lilah's face to match her witch costume. I was blown away when I called her and found out that Cheri lives less than 1/4 of a mile from my house. We were able to come to Cheri's house again!
Cheri gave me several options in advanced via email. I was able to show the kids what she was offering and the twins basically picked the face painting that they wanted.
Liley chose the red panda face.

Look how cute she turned out!!!!

Jax went second and chose the cheetah face!

Look at how on point this tiger is!

Cheri finished in just the nick of time and off we went to Fort Lewis Elementary School we went.

When we arrived at school, I was so impressed by everyone's costumes.

I am really proud of ALL OF the students, but of course I am especially proud of my twinsies. They were really brave to perform in front of an entire gymnasium of parents staring at them.
Brady Smith, a neighbor friend, below.
The program was so adorable. The kids performed a ton of songs by singing, playing instruments, and doing hand motions. My favorite song they sang was "Skinnamarink".

*A special thanks to Grandad and Grandnee for coming to cheer Lilah and Jax on.

I recorded the program with my cell phone, but one of Lilah and Jaxon's friend's daddy recorded it on his video camera and provided me with a copy. Feel free to watch it below. There is probably an extra emphasis on Evelyn (Lilah's friend) since it was Evelyn's daddy's footage. LOL!
Great job! Love the faces :)