Lilah's Spring Dance Recital was on May 21st at the Jefferson Center. The theme was called "Razzle Dazzle". Lilah performed in a total of 3 dances and was also in the grand finale with all of the performers, big and small. I continue to be amazed by Lilah's dance skills and stage performance. She is so brave too!!! Below are some of my absolute favorite photos of Lilah, in addition to some sweet photos of people we have grown to know and love! Everyone did a phenomenal job. Of course, we are especially proud of our baby girl! To see ALL of the photos that I captured at the Spring Recital, please feel free to double click on the online Picasa album at the bottom of this post. FYI - You will NOT be able to view the online album through a cellular device. Keep in mind, these photos were captured with NO FLASH ~ the Jefferson Center's rules.
Lilah always arrives to recitals in civilian clothing. It's not "professional" to arrive in costume. I decided, this time, to do her make-up back stage. Isn't she the cutest?
All dressed and ready to perform.
Lilah and Lillian relaxed on the couch while watching a movie on Lillian's iPad.
Lilah's dance team (below). Lilah has been dancing since she's was 3 years old and only two other girls have remained on her dance team from the beginning of time (Claire and Ava).
There she is... dancing for Jesus.
Alex Perdue goes to our church and performs with his dance team, which includes his twin sister Kylie. 
We always get a kick out of watching Mrs.Tracy's son, Parker, peform. He has been in several local plays and is always in multiple acts in the recitals. He is definitely a very talented little boy.
Emma Stanley and Kylie Perdue are also two of the older dancers that we know, love, and cheer on. Lilah looks up to Emma a ton and she's probably the biggest reason Lilah remains in dance. She cannot wait to be at Emma's level.
There's Parker again, performing in a pop routine.
My pretty girl in costume #2.
There's the dance crew all dressed up and ready to perform.
The photographs of the dancers, in this costume, turned out really washed out, but my girl still looked so beautiful.
Grandad and Grandnee came out to support Lilah too! We are all her greatest cheerleaders.
All video footage of Lilah's dances WILL BE available for viewing sometime in July. A professional recording of the dances was taken!
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