WOW! Life is getting busier and busier and blogging seems like only a possibility about once a week. I am depressed over it. LOL! I continue to have such a back log. I still have three, cute Halloween posts to do. Eeeeek! Yes, it's that bag. I guess you can say I am prioritizing correctly. I hope to catch up on some posts this weekend because the weather is certainly not Spring. I mean, it is SPRING, but we actually have a layer of snow on our back porch. Grrrr.
Anyway, our twins had a birthday and really wished BIG for a trip to Myrtle Beach. We decided to take them there, as their BIG present, and guess who joined us? Our elfves on the shelf. ONLY Rosie, Ariel, and Chippey. Napoleon will arrive on Tyson's birthday - - if he's good. The twins woke up to their elves, a few goodies, from them, including their biggest wish... CASH ...$100 bill each. WOAH! This wish is a sure sign that my babies are getting older. LONG GONE are the days where they desired monster trucks and baby dolls. Cash and gift cards are the newest request. Does this really start happening at age 7?

"Grow a Cake"

Glow Sticks!

Birthday Cake Bars!
Light Up and Flashing "Birthday Girl" and "Birthday Boy" Necklaces.

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