Darren and I were able to sneak away and spend an entire WEEKEND in Charlotte, NC. It was so wonderful. ONE of the plans on the agenda was to visit the Blackstone Shooting Sports, Indoor Shooting Range. This was part of Darren's birthday present.

The store is located with a close up view to downtown Charlotte.

Upon entering the store, you get to experience the store's shop. Check out the store front!!! I just brought my husband to a candy store for men!

Then we got all "white and nerdy". Geared up and ready to aim and fire!

We purchased some targets. Darren set them up and he shot first.
We had a LOT of ammo to play with.
There is a few of Darren's "babies".
It's so sexy watching him in action. Darren, lately, has said that if he didn't own a business, he would probably desire to go into Law Enforcement. I could totally see him having a career in law enforcement.

Check out all of those empty shells.
Of course, I chose a PINK target.
It had been close to 11 years since I shot a weapon. The last time I shot a weapon was when I was in the police academy. I was more nervous about shooting in a facility with perfectly good strangers more than anything. But I won't deny that they first few "pulls" were nerve wracking.

Above and below: Looks like the same photo, haha, but I don't think I moved once I started shooting.

It took me a full round to get accustomed to shooting. I am left handed, so everything feels backwards and unnatural to me. Hence the little boo-boo.

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