ANYWAY! Back to Jax. Our baby, yes he's the baby, lost his first tooth. It had been loose, but we were used to that meaning a few more days before it fell out. Jax was snacking on an apple and all of the sudden he started to cry (typical) and his mouth was bloody. He was so scared, but Darren came to his rescue and reassured him that he lost his first tooth. It all happened FAR TOO FAST. I would have loved to of documented MORE, but I couldn't.
Here are some sweet photos that I did get though.
Jax immediately wanted to work on writing a note to the tooth fairy.

While he wrote, he held his mouth like this. Haha. This is where I wish I could insert the emoji that cries.
Simply precious. I love my brown eyed boy.

Darren printed Jax this certificate. We both died with laughter because it's supposed to be something you get FROM the tooth fairy. Good thing Jax didn't get it.

Under the pillow it went.
Jax was also dying to know if the tooth fairy was a "he or a she?"

I have yet to snap a photo of what the tooth fairy brought Jax. BUT...HE did leave a $10 bill and a note.
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