A White Thermal Set (T-Shirt and Leggings would also work)
Foam Balls ((1)12 pack is more than enough)
Acrylic Paint
Candy Buttons
A Hot Glue Gun

First, cut the acrylic balls in half! I actually cut them a little more like 3/4 and 1/4, this way the "buttons" would stick out further on the shirt!
Ignore that nasty set of unmanicured nails. That happens from time to time when life is busy. I think I went the next day to tackle that nastiness.
Lay out your shirt!

Figure out spacing.
Paint the acrylic foam balls.
Let the wet foam balls sit over night! I brought them up to my daughter's bed and allowed the ceiling fan blow them dry ALL NIGHT!

I chuckled when I removed the "buttons" to start hot glueing onto the thermal clothing set. Doesn't the strip of paper towels look like real candy buttons?

I couldn't GET OVER the PERFECT headband that I found at Wal-mart. It literally had every color on the headband (plus yellow and green, which I was bummed about). I brought attention to the colors that the original candy buttons are, on the headband, by hot glueing real candy buttons to the headband.

Didn't it turn out darling?

I didn't want the costume to be smothered and covered in candy buttons, so I just added a few in the more obvious/necessary spots.

I purchased a used pair of white shoes from Once Upon A Child and hot glued some candy buttons to the shoes.

I paid $5.50 for them!
Hot glue the foam balls onto the shirt. Be careful that your hot glue does NOT seep through to the other side of the shirt, glueing your shirt together. I inserted a piece of foam core to separate the two pieces of fabric.

I was just in love with the total package!
Unique, colorful, fun, creative, original, and never seen on Halloween (with my eyes). Mission accomplished.

Oh, I forgot, I added a rainbow colored WIG!
Lilah enjoyed playing the part while wearing the costume. She pretended to eat the candy buttons.
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