The boards were $14.99 a piece (not quite inexpensive, but I would have totally done it again, given the choice).

Using one of my favorite programs, I designed some penmanship font to create the teachers' names. I figured, even if I have excellent handwriting, it could quickly rub off during transportation, so, I just printed the teacher's names and gently stuck them to the dry erase board.

One for Mrs. Thomsen (above) and one for Mrs. Harlow (below).

What's in the stack?
Extra Apple Gum!
A notepad with the letter of their first name!
Primary colored twizzlers.
Mrs. Thomsen received this decorative apple tape!

Chalkboard Labels.
A matching folder and notepad.

A rose?


Mrs. Harlow received these days of the week clothespins.

I've already received a thank you note from Mrs. Harlow. She said it really made her day feel special! That was my entire goal! Score!!!! It wasn't the greatest gift ever, but I think the presentation and the heart behind it that matters. AND... if kids need schools supplies, I think teachers do too!
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