We are such creatures of habit AND we have a hard time straying from what we know to be GOOD, that we tend to go to many of the same restaurants in Myrtle Beach. I didn't want our trip to feel like ground hog day, so I suggested the "House Of Blues" restaurant. It's a tad out of our "norm", if you will, but it wound up being an insanely fun time!!! The kids, Lilah especially, enjoyed it!
First, we ate inside at the restaurant where we enjoyed many delicious items off of their menu. We chose the cornbread as our appetizer. It was scrumptious.

Waiting for our food!

After dinner, we went to "The Deck" to enjoy the live band called, "Gypsy Riot". Everyone of us enjoyed the band because they play songs from the 70's, 80's 90's, 00's and current chart toppers. So while Darren and I were able to reminisce and introduce the kids to songs we once knew and loved, our kids were also able to dance and hoola hoop to songs they know personally.

"Miss Impressionable" sat and stared for a LOOOOOONG while. Her first question was, "Do you think they believe in God?" I think she was concerned about the punk rock hair and the short shorts/fishnet stockings on the singer. LOL! After staring for a while, Lilah got busy dancing and hoola hooping. It was tough from time to time because the singers would announce, "Let me pause for a drink." as they chugged their beer or a few songs had some scantily clad words in it, but we do live in the world. It's our job to live in it, but not to be a part of the worldly stuff. I believe in NOT keeping your child in a bubble and introducing them to things, using them as teachable moments.

Enjoy the videos below: some videos are of our kids dancing/hoola hooping and other videos are of several HOB patrons dancing. Drunk dancers are so funny to watch. They think they look so good, but they look ridiculous.
You go girl!
It's hard to believe that the girl behind the screen is MY daughter. She had no qualms about dancing in front of a crowd of strangers (Jax snuck in there too which was EVEN MORE surprising. #mrbashful).
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