Lilah and I have been attending a few of the local plays around town, over the last year. Ever since Lilah was in Snow White, we've both been more and more interested to watch others in action. Once I saw the advertisement for Shrek, the musical, I asked Lilah if she wanted to go (because I wanted to) and she immediately said "YES!"
We had a special night on the town planned and invited Gram to join us. Lilah treated it like a real date and knocked on the door to pick her up. Poppy said hello, but NO BOYS ALLOWED.

And we were off...
We headed downtown for dinner, the candy store, and the musical SHREK!
We met Lilah's BFF and family (not daddy) at Alejandro's. Doesn't every perfect night start with chips and salsa?

After dinner, we headed to the local Candy Store. It's actually called "The Candy Store". LOL!
I am so glad that Lilah has met her match. She was teary one day and said, "Mom. I just really love Avery. She's like a sister to me. I feel sad when I am not with her."

Gram had to get in there a snag a pic. I was glad that she was able to join us. I know it meant a lot to her. 
Downtown photos always turn out so good. Look at this sweet photo I captured of Avery with her momma.

And then my mom stole the show in the candy store. I swear, she always keeps us entertained.
Until the candy store attendant stole the show by bombing our photo.
Shrek, the musical, was incredible.
The entire show was great, but the role of Lord Farquaad had us all dying laughing. His costume was HILARIOUS.
It really kept everyone's attention.
This outing was so sweet. Of course, it had to end with a sleepover. Haha. Lilah finally used her sleepover coupon that she got in one of her hidden, Easter eggs to invite Avery over.
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