Lilah had her Spring Recital two weekends ago! For me, there is NOTHING more that brings me joy than seeing my daughter on stage and my sons on the ball field doing what NOT only they LOVE, but what they are good at!

Her recital was at the Jefferson Center, in downtown Roanoke. The Jefferson Center has a ton of ridiculous photography rules, so I just decided to enjoy the show instead of trying to sneak a photo or compete with all of the rules. It kind of frustrates me that I cannot take photos of my daughter's handwork. These are MEMORIES, but I am a rule follower, so I just obeyed.

Lilah was in three dances: tap, ballet, and jazz. She was focused and flawless.

I am thankful for the back stage babysitter who snapped a few photos of Lilah's dance team.

We are Liley's biggest fans! Always have been, always will be!

After the show, we greeted her with a beautiful bouquet of fuchsia baby roses.

And loads of hugs!

Then, we treated her to dinner. We let Liley pick the restaurant. She chose Alejandro's. 

At the restaurant, we blessed her with a few gifts to show her how proud we are of her.

I found this darling and oh so appropriate canvas art to give to her.

"Dance like nobody's watching!"

Then, she unwrapped her BIG gift.

Can you tell how EXCITED she was?

Rather than getting her a bunch of crapo gifts, that just go into a junk drawer, we decided to buy her a bluetooth, color changing alarm clock and usb charging system. She's wanted this for over year. Lilah was truly SHOCKED. She exclaimed, "You are the best gift giver EVER!"

I always love watching my girl dance on stage. The Lord has given her many talents and I believe dancing is DEFINITELY ONE of them. I am not sure what we are going to do next year. We are 100% still dancing, but we may switch studios. We are taking the Summer off and exploring all of our options!
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