Ty's morning started off being woken up and serenaded by our family. It's hard to believe that in less than a year, I will be a momma to a teenager.
Then, he came down for breakfast and was greeted with a little creativity. Now that I look at this, his meal appears to read "812". Haha. But it is a bagel with bacon shaped out in the #12.

His lunch box was a little festive and filled with some birthday love.

A birthday joke!

AND A HUGE filled cookie from our local Cookie Store. It's TY's FAVORITE!

The birthday boy loves the Golden State Warriors, so I decided to decorate the table with that color scheme.
We offered to take Ty to a dinner of his choice, but he wanted mommy's homemade lasagna and garlic knots (those are compliments of Momma Marias).

This year was SOOOOO hard coming up with GIFT ideas because our children are VERY blessed! Mom to the rescue..... I decided to purchase gifts that color coordinated with his three favorite teams. I LOVE the way this gift idea turned out.
Each basket came with a BIG gift. The Steeler's basket game with an Apple Watch.

His Virginia Tech basket came with a NEW and very handsome pair of VT color shoes!

His Golden State Warriors basket came with a NEW Stephen Curry basketball.
Ty's best friend Gabe joined in on all of the festivities for Ty! He's like one of our own.
Ty's birthday cake was simply from Sam's Club. I know how to make cake, but sometimes TIME is a factor. AND seriously, you can't beat this nice looking cake for $15. Even a simple cake like this would have taken me a good 5 hours. Who has time for that these days! LOL! The candles... uh- Dollar Tree. Seriously, if you were to buy those at a party store, you would have paid $6.99.

We took one goofy self-timed photo.

These two! GOOFIES!
Such a cool pic.
Blowing out candles and making wishes.
We love you Tyson Willis Bolling. You are growing up so fast! We are so extra proud of you this year. Middle school looks so good on you. Perfect grades, working out daily, involved in church, building friendships, and so very handsome!!! We hope the Lord continues to tug at your heartstrings and you turn to HIM soon!

Happy 12th Birthday!
Yey again, wowed by your creativity! Your kids are so blessed!!!