On the way home from Grandad and Grandnee's home, we kind of laid out the rest of the evening's plans for the kids. Darren and I had still had quite a bit to do to prepare for the next morning and I was terribly sick, so I really needed to get to bed as soon as possible. Ty's health was starting to fade as well, so all he wanted to do was take his THIRD HOT bath of the day and go straight to bed. He is getting a tad too old to feed the reindeer and Santa anyway, LOL, so we prayed over his body and kissed him goodnight. The twins fulfilled one of our last traditions alone. They got dressed in their Christmas jammies and headed outside with our homemade reindeer food.

The twins were barefooted and because the ground was wet and cold, they were NOT too interested in this event to last long. LOL!
They blew through the reindeer food so fast, I barely even captured Jax in action.
They finished up their elf on the shelf countdown to Christmas calendar!

Then, it was time to feed Santa milk and cookies!
Together they walked to the fireplace.
Lilah left the milk.
Jax left the cookies!

AND up to bed they went! We read them the book, "The Night Before Christmas!" and prayed with them! Then... Darren and I busted butt to get everything set up. Darren went to bed about 11:45 pm. I went to bed at 1:15 a.m., after finishing up some last minute details for Darren's Christmas morning AND vacuuming the basement for Santa, where he leaves their gifts. Sigh... why me!?!? Haha.
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