Ty is graduating from elementary school in less than one week! It's so hard to believe. It feels like I was just putting him on the school bus, for the first time, for Kindergarten. I am excited for him to move on to the middle school, but I also realize that life will move FAST from here on out. Like really fast!!! Lightening speed fast. I have been thinking about graduation gifts for Ty since 5th grade started. I concluded that a graduation party, celebrating his elementary years and his first year of middle school, with his favorite peeps would be better than ANY gift he could possibly receive. SO... Darren agreed to letting me plan a small, intimate party for him, along with 10 of his closest friends. I always focus on 3 things when planning a party: invitations, cake, and party bags. I cannot wait to share the graduation invitations with you.

I new I wanted the invitations to be 3-dimentional or include some sort of fun goody/gift. While shopping for Ty's candy cake, I came across these oversized smarties. I decided, "I've got to have them for the invites!" All kids LOVE candy and incorporating the word SMARTIE into the invite would be perfect!!!

I bought 10 packs!

I got carried away taking pictures of the candy. It photographs so well. What will I do with the smarties? That was my next task.
I have been following Landee Lu for years and I recalled this smarties pants printable that I got a kick out of, so rather than reinventing the wheel, I accepted her invitation to use it! Get it? Her invitation? LOL! I know, I am just a riot.

Rather than using Landee Lu's sizing, I turned it a full 8.5 x 11 printable and added each invited guest's name and a personal note! Above: Ty had his own special message from "Daddy and Mommy" since he's the one being celebrated. Below: His friends had a special message from "Ty's Mom".

It read,
"Congrats Smartie Pants. We are excited to celebrate this graduation milestone not only with Ty, but also with you! Please plan to meet at Fort Lewis Elementary School’s parking lot at 10:15 a.m. We will travel to Blacksburg’s Cinebowl & Grille. There, Ty and all of his best buds, including YOU, will bowl, pig out, play unlimited arcade games for 1 hour, and watch a movie on the BIG screen. No money is necessary, but if you feel like you will need extra money for any reason, other than what will be provided, feel free to bring some. All of the events mentioned above will be paid for by Darren and I. I am hoping to return you back into your parents care between 4:45 pm – 5:00 pm, in the same spot I picked you up (FLES). Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns. Dress comfy!!! Ty’s Mom

Even though the graduation party is for Ty, I was happy to tell the boys how this is really a celebration for ALL of them!
I printed it on card stock paper.

Next, I applied a thick coat of hot glue to the printable.

I love the way they turned out.

Applied the smarties to the glue!

The smarties were tightly secured onto the printable.

Then, I rolled the cardstock.
I wanted each invitation to replicate the look of a diploma.
I sealed the invite with tape.
I purchased green and gold ribbon. Green and gold are the school colors of the middle school Ty will be attending.
Using 24" of both ribbons, I tied a bow around the diploma invitation.
I couldn't have been more pleased with the outcome!
When I handed Ty HIS invitation, he smiled big. I said, "Do you know what that is?" He said, "A notice?!?!" LOL! I guess I didn't take into consideration that this age group probably wouldn't know what a diploma is. OH WELL! #firsttimeforeverything

Darren came home from lunch and was tortured by the photographer ME trying to get a really good photo of the diploma. He pretended to shake someone with one hand and receive the diploma in the other. LOL!
He cracks me up! OH THE THINGS I MAKE HIM DO for a good photo.

The diploma didn't contain the party details. That was provided with an additional invite. I know! I know! I got Swanky Press to create this cool, typographic invitation for me. I love the way it turned out. We used Glenvar Middle School colors!!!

I sealed up the invite and used some masculine, jock type stickers, spelling each guest's name and added a graduation cap to the first letter of their name. I fell in love. LOL! Does anyone else get this excited about details?

It's ALL about the embellishments baby!

Didn't they turn out adorable?

I also had to add a little embellishment to the diploma! What could it be? I KNOW..duh..."CLASS OF 2016".

Now... off to Blacksburg they go!! BUT FIRST, they have to graduate. Haha!
This is so exciting. And sad. What a great way to celebrate the graduates :)