My mom was supposed to come three weeks ago, for a visit, but she missed her flight :( The kids are very disappointed, but the airline was able to book her flight for the following week. YES, I said WEEK! We chose Allegiant Airlines and they only fly on TWO days. If you miss your flight, you have to pay an additional $75 and you have to new ticket has to be an exact replica of your first. When she was about to land, I video recorded (above) her plane landing because the kids were in school and they were so worried she missed her flight again. An extra special thanks to Mrs. Clifford for showing it to ALL THREE of my kiddos. After landing, mom and I went straight to Target. I treated her to a starbucks. Well actually, Darren treated her to Starbucks. LOL! Darren was so sweet the morning my mom was arriving. He handed me $100 and said, "Go do something fun with your mom!"

The entire week she was here, we were able to enjoy the gym together. I had to take a photo of my mom and I flexing. It's pretty bad when your 56 year old mother has bigger biceps than you. LOL!

I had to get my fishing license so Ty could fish. Oh the things you do for your children. #momsofboys I even joked with Darren about the fact that I got my fishing license before he did. He was so jealous he immediately got on line and got himself one too! $46 later.
Two nights, we were able to show gram what baseball season is like. Gram was able to watch Ty play TWO games. During one of the games, it was gross out, so we sat in the van. The twins sat on top of the car.

Movie Time!

On Wednesday night, our only night off from baseball and recital practices, Darren treated us all to ICHIBAN Japanese Steakhouse. This is the ONLY footage I got from dinner. Basically, it was slow mo video footage of the chef starting up his stove top.
Lilah was really enjoying her time with gram. Gram gave her a ton of one on one GIRL time. Gram would basically do anything she asked. She played school with her, jumped on the trampoline, played shopkins (torture) and more... So when the night before Gram was leaving arrived, Lilah wrote gram a sweet note. It read, "I love you. You are the best gramma ever!!! You do everything for us. When you are gone I will miss you!" I thought that was so sweet.
The below photos are out of order, BUT we also introduced gram to SMORES for the very first time. Can you believe it? I guess that's what happens when you live in Florida. You don't really spend time around a fire. Lilah had been begging to do smores. So we surprised her and bought all the stuff while she was at school. We did smores the FIRST night gram was here. Thanks to my hubby, the moment was captured.

Here's our cute little fire.

Check out all of the smores options. Ty doesn't like chocolate, so to me make this event fun, we had to come up with some chocolate alternatives.

The kids know just what to do, so they got to work showing gram exactly how to make a smores.

Grams turn.

I was "Chef Kristin". I helped assemble the hot marshmallows onto the rest of the ingredients.

I am NEVER in family photos because I am typically the photographer, so this was a nice switch up. ALTHOUGH, I was a hot mess and looking quite exhausted.

Looks yummy and MESSY. I watched from afar. I chose to have self-control.

So good he fell asleep!

Lilah gave the smores a "Thumbs Up"!

There were lots of "firsts" going on during our smores event. Ty tried a reese's cup for the FIRST time.

Recall... he hates chocolate. SO... this is how a chocolate hater eats a reese's cup.
After the smores, they needed a way to burn off the calories. First trampoline fun and then relaxation on Ty's new hammock.

All good things must come to an end!!! Ty put the fire out with a few buckets of water. I believe this was his highlight.
We miss you Gram! Come back and see us soon! This visit went SOOOOOO fast.
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