Opening game day is always anticipated by both the community and the players. It was last Saturday. The weather held up and boys played great!! Ty's team is the A's or "Athletics" and Jax's team is the "Lugnuts". Enjoy some of the photos I took.

Prior to the opening ceremonies, I tried to capture each team.

Then ALL teams were called by name and ran onto the fields. This is our youth pastor, Brett, who also coaches.

Their daughter Ansley, in the middle.

Our friends' daughter Julia in the back.

The Lugnuts chose to run, so it was not as easy to capture them in action.
There's my Jaxey!

My hubby.

And then Ty-ty! #2

Let the games begin!!!

Coach Daddy and Jax!


Jax and his team played well, but I am pretty sure they lost. They don't keep score in this league.

Ty played excellent. One time that he was up to bat, all of the bases were loaded, he hit the ball all the way in the out field, it touched the fence, and he made it to home.

Ty's team played amazing and beat our other local glenvar team 12 to 3.

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