Enjoy a few miscellaneous video clips, from my iPhone, of our beach trip. First up, mini van travel. We had our furry family members join us on this trip, so we removed the captain chairs, laid out a blanket and let the kids and dogs enjoy the space!
Slow Motion Cannon Ball Fun: These three do actually get along from time to time.
Lilah's "water toy" that she got for her birthday was a "Fin Fun Mermaid Tail". BEST. GIFT. EVER!
Lilah's "water toy" that she got for her birthday was a "Fin Fun Mermaid Tail". BEST. GIFT. EVER!
We N-E-V-E-R leave our Myrtle Beach visits without going to Villa Romana's Italian Restaurant. Our highlight is not dessert, but Mike, the accordion player. If Mike didn't roam the restaurant and entertain the guests, the food would still be amazing, but the atmosphere just wouldn't be the same. We [heart] you Mike!
One side note and sorta FUNNY and predictable story...Mike tried introducing a little girl near our table to Jax and designing a marriage. Haha. That didn't go too well. Jax broke out in tears...SURPRISE!!! And Mike felt so bad. Max recovered eventually, but Mike had to walk away for a little while to calm down. Jax was so mad that he threw a dinner roll across the table, at Lilah and I, for laughing. We weren't laughing AT him, we were laughing WITH him. Ok...he wasn't laughing at ALL. #mrsensitive
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