My fur daughter is turning 1 on October 15th. It's SOOOOOO hard to believe she is almost ONE already! I am planning her 1st birthday party and I, of course, am going to be more excited about it than she is. Go ahead, judge me ALL you want... I. DON'T. CARE! She is our family pet and I love her to pieces. I am doing my ideas in stages so it's enjoyable and because most everything can be done ahead of time. The first idea I had was to make her some homemade treats. I wanted the treats to contain natural ingredients. So far, we have done a great job feeding her fruits, veggies, dog food, and treats that are primarily natural. No junky "fillers".
The recipe I chose to bake contained the following:
2 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour
1 cup of water
1 cup of peanut butter
2 tablespoons of honey
1 egg
1 teaspoon of baking powder

After combining all of the ingredients you have a delicious smelling dough that also looks like a giant poopie. HAHA
Roll it out! I chose to roll it out to about a 1/4 inch thick.
You can use your hands, but I used a rolling pin. Below: photo compliments of Lilah Bolling.

Next up, purchase this A-DOG-able cookie cutter set by Wilton. I found mine at Michaels. 
I chose to use JUST the bone. Since Simon will be turning 1 in April, I am saving several of the cutters for his 1st birthday!

Sadie could sense something yummy was happening!

And while I was capturing photos of her sniffing, she wound up running off with ONE of them. I was a tad angry about it.

To give these doggie bones the traditional look of a doggie bone, use a fork to poke holes in the center of the bone.

Sadie will NEVER know the difference, BUT I will. Haha.
Bake at 350 degrees for 18 minutes.

I am really excited to give these to her. At FIRST, I considered just buying them, but this means more to ME because I know not only did I make them, but also they contain healthy ingredients.

I am going to start selling these. Each bone is .50 cents or 15 for $5.00. The price MAY change, once I really figure out the cost associated with it, but for now, I think that's a fair price for me and you! I will put this money in an envelope and use it for doggie daycare expenses. :) Both Sadie and Simon go to doggie daycare on Mondays so MOMMY can get a break and doggies can get out some energy.

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