Lilah started Cheer camp last night. Cheer camp is hosted by the the Glenvar High School Cheerleaders and acts as a fundraiser, so the HS girls can compete and travel! The camp is this week only: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm. Lilah also met her cheer coach and the girls in her squad, that she will be cheering with, this football season. The exciting part is that Lilah will be cheering for Jax's football team. Having twins really does have it's perks!!!! Cheerleading officially starts NEXT MONDAY!

The high schoolers were divided into four groups and each of the youth squads rotated in to each cheer lesson until 8:00 pm.

The first session Lilah learned many "jumps" and arm motions. I never cheered in school, so I may be naming all of these lessons incorrectly. LOL!

In session 2, the girls learned how to pose and/or stand on each other's legs and jump down!

Liley's turn!

Lilah was ALL smiles!!!!

The high school cheerleaders even showed them what it felt like to fall back and get caught!

In session 3, the "biddy" cheerleaders learned several cheers. Check out how serious Lilah is here.

After the cheers, they played, "Little Sally Walker!"

Lilah's favorite cheerleader is Chynna Carmichael!

Chynna is so sweet to Lilah. I think Lilah wishes she was her big sister!

Too much beautifulness in the picture below!

Enjoy a few videos of Lilah's first night at camp!!! She had a BLAST!!! If you are interested in viewing all of the photos I took last night, double click on the Picasa Web Album below!!!! I just chose to post my favorite, above, because I took over 50 pics.
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