Cheerleading camp was a BIG thumbs up for Lilah!!! The entire day, Thursday, she kept saying, "I'm so sad this is the last day of camp!" She was able to get her feet "wet" and learn some cheerleading tips, tricks, and cheers. Lilah would do anything for a BIG sister, so NOTHING could beat getting to spend three nights in a row with High School "pretty" girls. And speaking of BIG girls... look at how BIG my little girl looks, below, walking to practice!!

Chynna was a FAVORITE to the "Biddy" cheerleaders. Poor girl was swarmed!!!

Lilah was put in the VERY front. :)

Loads of giggles and squeals happened these last 3 days!

At the end of the night, the girls got to perform in front of everyone.

Each squad won awards. Biddies won "Best All Around!"

I love how HS cheerleaders came together (with much patience) and taught the little girls what they needed to know!

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