Well, well, well... all of our hard work ALMOST went down the drain after rising to gloomy weather. We even cancelled our event, but then, later on, decided to trust more fully in God's faithfulness to us, by re-opening our lemonade shop. We just moved our business location from the pool yard to our home. Lilah was so excited. The night before, she went to bed exclaiming, "This is going to be the funnest day ever!!!!"

Lilah and I set up shop, on the curb, just like a real lemonade stand. Our table had a cash register, a cash box, our lemonade, fake lemons, and a printbale that read, "Keep Calm and Drink Lemonade!"

We started with a cash box of $40. 00. Some of the cash was clearly fake, but we wanted to send off the impression that we were striking it rich aka our lemonade was next to gold!
We set up our price lists: lemonade 50 cents and cookies $1.00.

Lilah placed each homemade cookie into a cupcake liner. If you look closely, you can see paint in her hair. LOL! "If you build it, they will come!"
We had fancy cups and straws with umbrellas.

Check out the adorable napkins too!

And of course we served freshly squeezed lemonade. When that ran out, we served country time lemonade. Ty said, "Mom that lemonade was so good! It tasted like the lemonade that is freshly squeeze at Broadway At The Beach!"
The back of our stand was really useful. It stored/hid all of our extra or necessary supplies: country time sugar, wooden spoons, plates, cups, napkins, paper towels, clorox wipes, an apron, and extra cookies.

My girl was R-E-A-D-Y!

When her first customer arrived, I was inside the house and Lilah came running inside, "We have our first customer!!!!" I said, "Well, get outside!! You can't leave your customers waiting!" Thanks to Mr. Hill, Lilah made her FIRST $5.00.

Our second customer was Grandad. He bought some lemonade and a cookie!!!

It made Lilah's day for grandad to leave his work to visit her at work!
Our helpers finally arrived!!! We were really ready to sell our stash!

Every time a car drove by, the kids waved the drivers down. LOL!

It really worked well. They were able to convince a few lawn services to stop, even with their big equipment attached to the back of their pick up trucks.

The gentleman below bought (5) lemonades, paid with a $20 bill, and told the kids to keep their change!!!

When business got slow, we relied on Aliza Claire's cute smile to draw some more traffic.
But then, she began eating all of our profits! #cookiemonster

We had to be the kids pretend customers, several times, so that they could get the hang of interacting with their customers. We also instructed them to tell their customers about what the money they earned was going towards! See here for details.

The kids worked from about 10:45 am until 12:45 pm. The rain started to fall and their business was realllllly slowing down. I think, for their first time doing a lemonade stand/bake sale, it was a HUGE success. They raised over $75.00. AWESOME job kids!
*Be on the look out for details on how to build this stand, how to make freshly squeezed lemonade, and step by step directions on how to make our "to die for" sugar cookies sandwiched with cream cheese frosting!!!!! I plan to do 3 separate posts on each topic!!
Love love love this! So awesome! Sorry we missed it :( The stand looks great!