I enjoyed watching Jax and Cohen practice sled drills. As it looks, Jax may be assigned to a line backer position.
During Jax's practice, Ty and his football buddies spotted a deer. They ran as fast as they could to try and catch up with it.

No such luck!

Next up, tackle practice.

LOVE this mean look on Jax's face!!!!
Cohen and Colten.
Jax's turn to get tackled.
And when you are too young to play football, it doesn't mean you are too young to dress football. Caleb showed up to his brother's practice in football gear, from head to toe. #littlecutie
We are very proud of our little football player. He has a great role model in his BIG brother, which also means BIG shoes to fill, but so far, he has proven to be an amazing athlete, so I have no doubt he will succeed.
Thank you so much for getting these pictures :) Love!