Monday, August 11, 2014

Water Day!!!

On the FINAL day of sports camp, Brett had a fun water day planned out.  The stinky thing was, it rained.  I believe Brett still figured out a way to have some water fun.  They were going to get wet anyway, so why NOT just do it in the rain. The dress code was "Wacky Water" attire.

Tyson and Jax had plans of dressing up in both mine and Lilah's swimsuits.  Ty realized, at the last moment, that he couldn't win twice, so he just encouraged Jax to arrive to camp dressed like Lilah.
When I arrived to camp, all of the kids hopped out except for Jax.  Everyone was waiting on the curb.  I think they were interested in seeing what we had "up our sleeves" each day, as the clown van pulled up and 99 5 kids got out.  Everyone spotted Lilah Jax and began laughing. The reaction was priceless, but I think Jax realized that he couldn't possibly wear a bikini the entire time, so he asked for me to change him immediately.

His best buddy Cohen was so confused when Jax got out of the van dressed like a girl.  Hehe.  Needless to say, Jax WON the "Wacky Water" dress code competition.  


  1. I can see how much Jax and Lilah look alike through this picture.

    1. Haha. That was definitely said before you said it!!!


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