Thursday, November 15, 2012


Other than FREE, this is the BEST steal/deal I have EVER come across.  Check it out...

I have been on the look out for a black and white damask ironing board cover.  I even told my dear friend Ashely, "If you see one... buy it and I'll pay you back!"  I went to Michael's on Wednesday to buy pine cones (for a craft) - side note - they are scented and still in my van from Wednesday - my car smells delish!  Sorry for the distraction.  
I wanted this cover to match this photo.
Do you remember my "sensational 6" bought it for me?
Anyway, I, of course, didn't just take advantage of the pine cones being outside of the store by heading straight to the register.  I got persuaded to look around.  LOL!  Doesn't take much.  Upon arriving to the "clearance" aisle, I became overwhelmed by the disorganization, but then I said, "What the heck!  Just look for a second!"  Within seconds, I spotted one lonely, all by itself, black and white damask ironing board cover.  HUH?  In Michael's Arts and Crafts????  I thought "Surely this really isn't a clearance item.  It must be misplaced."
Originally $17.99
As I approached the registers and began checking out, I decided to watch the screen like a hawk, just to make sure everything I had in my cart was indeed on sale.  When it came time for the ironing board cover to be scanned, I said, "This item was in the clearance section, but I am not sure if it should have been.  It seemed misplaced."  The cashier/manager scanned it and it rang up.... WAIT.... you ready for this??????

The original cost of this cover was $17.99 and I got it for...
The manager was thrilled to give it to me and I was thrilled to receive it, but I will say, she was NOT happy with her employes.  She immediately got on her walkie talkies and started expressing her distaste with them, exclaiming, "Employees, there are still penny items on the floor!"  LOL!  Apparently, these items have been marked down so low, that they are supposed to be shipped back to the distribution center.  I just so happened to get LUCKY!  
WHO WOULD EVER IMAGINE buying an item in the store for 

1 PENNY?????


  1. Praise God! Don't you just love when God blesses you with a great deal.

  2. Fantastic! Even more exciting is that it was something you've been searching for, not just something you bought because it was $0.01. You must have been thrilled!


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