Tyson received his FIRST, LETTER GRADE, report card two weeks ago. Darren and I are proud parents of "owning" a second grader who made STRAIGHT A's. God has blessed us with a smart little boy and the natural smarts. I think that came from his daddy because I surely am NOT naturally smart.
Tyson also is the FIRST child in BOTH second grade classes to receive the "HALL OF FAME" award to date. Each child, daily, has an opportunity to receive a sticker on a clothespin. These stickers are received by good behavior, good deeds, showing kindness, compassion, love towards other students, and respecting teachers. After the clothespin in filled up (equates to 10 stickers), they receive the "HALL of Fame" award. I am beyond AMAZED that to DATE, NOT ONE OTHER STUDENT has received this award. Can you tell I am a proud parent? Once the child receives this award, their clothespin goes back to empty. He is already up to sticker #4 on his second clothespin.
As a reward for receiving this award, Ms. Thomsen allows him a pass for ONE day of no homework, lunch in the classroom, his choice of bringing any item from home to "play" with at school such as an ipod, OR they can pick something from the treasure box. Tyson is obviously NOT BRILLIANT because if it were me, I would have chosen NO HOMEWORK. He chose "JUNK" from a the treasure box (a bracelet).
God, we praise you for the gift you have given us in our first born, Tyson. He truly is an amazing student. His teacher tells us he is a leader, kind to others, and a great listener. I have been a witness to how well-liked he is, not only by his classmates, but also by other teachers he interacts with on a daily basis. I receive compliments when I visit him, at school, for lunch. God we give you all the glory for his ability to do well in school. Now, we lift him up to you to do this well at home :)
congratulations ty! that is so sooo awesome!