Camera class, birthday parties, dinner parties, selling bows, listing items on craig's list, redesigning 3 children's bedrooms, returns (legal ones :), small group, MY BIRTHDAY, Church, parent teacher conferences, planning my twins 3rd birthday party, bible study, school carnival, exercising, studying, helping a friend organize her home, and the most time consuming of them all, VALENTINE'S DAY... it has consumed me. I committed to tooooo many detailed projects that are all ready to be delivered TOMORROW at school and Wednesday at church. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Valentine's Day, but NEVER AGAIN will I be this detailed. Oh wait, did I mention I have 3 kids, a hubby and a 4,000 square foot home to take care of TOO! Why I am not 90 pounds is beyond me?!?!?! BUT I AM NOT COMPLAINING!!!!! I AM just stating the fact that I am CONSTANTLY ON THE GO! Thank God for caffeine and energy.
Here's a few photos of the camera class. Be on the look out for TON'S OF posts in the next few days!
IF you see Ashely, then you always see a diet coke. AND if you see Kristin and Ashely, then you always see 2 diet cokes. She's such a friend to always grab one for me. Ashely... muah!

The camera class was held at my neighbor's home (Lisa Dolloph). She hired a professional photographer to come and teach us all about our fancy cameras. I was joined by my friends Ashely and Annamarie. The cost was $35 per person. We learned about ISO, aperture, and F-stop as well as what all of our settings mean and how they operate. If anyone is interested, contact me. I will give you the information so you can hold a class of your own. Lisa, thank you so much for inviting me and my girlfriends. They really felt like this class was a huge help. Is anyone off of "auto" yet? LOL!
IF anyone sees me outside taking pictures of a stuffed animal, please don't have me committed Well, NOT YET at least. The teacher told us to practice using our "new" settings outside with our subject being a stuffed animal because it doesn't move.
Thank you for letting us join you at the class! I learned a lot! Aww. I love how you said if you see Ashely and Kristin there are 2 diet cokes :) Ps.I am still on auto, I haven't had time to practice :( shame on me.
ReplyDeleteI LOVED having you and your friends at the class. It will be fun to see the new and improved pictures on your blog!