Tyson has inherited his daddy's ipod touch. During the summer he used it to play games, but now, he's got a greater need for it. It's become his
Monday - Thursday
5:50 am: Alarm goes off
7:14 am: Bus arrives
7:50 am: School starts
2:20 pm: School ends
2:45 pm: Bus arrives home
5:30 pm: Leave for Football (Church on Wednesday)
8:15 pm: Ty arrives home from football or church
8:20pm: Ty eats dinner
8:45pm: Ty showers
9:00pm: LIGHTS OUT!
I am doing the best I can to fill his belly with well balanced meals and I am trying to encourage him that rest in not only necessary but enjoyable. Please keep him in your prayers. For anyone who has younger children that are not yet in school, cherish these times with them because once they are in school, the dynamics of your children's lives really change.
rise and shine and give God the glory glory... :)