Shawn and Kaitlyn become ONE flesh. FINALLY! This was a MUCH anticipated wedding. Shawn and Kaitlyn got married on May 21st. The sun was shining bright. It was a nice way to celebrate this occasion after what seemed like weeks and weeks of rain. We all got to witness a beautiful ceremony take place given by Pastor Brett Williams. Shawn and Kailtyn's relationship was built on the solid rock of Jesus Christ. The couple has grown together and nourished their relationship by using God's word. It's been amazing to witness to two young individuals refrain from temptation and other challenges that many cannot (without Christ of course). Our entire family had the honor of personally being involved in their special day. Congrats Shawn & Kaitlyn! Safe travels in Jamaica. Enjoy it because upon your return, we'll be leaving you with our 3 kids and heading to the Bahamas!!!!
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