I purchased two boxes from Lowes Home Improvement. I wanted the boxes to be the same size and presentable. Each box was $3.49 each.

I wanted the Thing 1 and Thing 2 boxes to color coordinate with the "Oh The Places You'll Go" poster and balloon colors. From the begging, Lilah was always identified by the color pink. I deiced her box would be pink. Jax was always identified by blue. So, Jax's box was blue. The Thing1 and Thing 2 hair and logo was purchased in the Dollar Spot at Target during Dr. Suess' Birthday!!!!

Inside of the box, I had a pink balloon for Lilah's box and blue balloon for Jax's box taped to the bottom. When they opened up the box, it was kind of like a gender reveal box where the balloon popped out.

The box contained several items. One of the items was a neck pillow for the plane ride!

I bought an entire pack of white pins from Michaels, in the sewing section. They had colored ones, but I didn't like the color of the blue pin. My plan was to paint the push pins the color I desired, but last week, I had to have a dress hemmed and I asked the seamstress if I could have a blue and pink pin. Hehe. She generously shared.

Above: Jax's
Below: Lilah's

They both received a birthday sash and a birthday t-shirt. The front of the birthday shirt was my absolute FAVORITE. Lilah's said, "It's His Birthday" and Jax's said, "It's Her Birthday". It's just the perfect shirt for twins. The shirts came from Etsy. The shop is called Magical Memories. 

The back of their t-shirts had their names and their NEW age, 10. I did NOT realize this until someone mentioned it after posting photo of the twins' sporting their tshirts, but Lilah's name was spelled wrong. This is where you [insert] the SMH emoji. NOT because the ETSY shop owner made a mistake (it happens, we are human), but because I had looked at these shirts 100 times and NEVER realized it. It's INSANE to me because one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is when people spell other people's names wrong. The ETSY shop owner has since refunded me and sent me a correct shirt. I certainly did NOT expect a refund. I just wanted the shirt to be fixed.

Haha. I rewatched this video and as you can see, I am not a fan of making messes, so I had to shut the camera off to help them open the box with all of the krinkle paper inside. I was taking photos and video recording at the same time, hence the reason things are a little shaky.
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