Monday, January 7, 2019

"Gingerbread" House!

On Day 4, our elves arrived and built our kids a "gingerbread" house.  I think they misunderstood Santa.  It's ok! My kids will show them what Santa really meant. 
Napoloeon, Rosie, Ariel, and Chippey arrived with pre-assembled gingerbread homes for Ty, Lilah, and Jax to create their own masterpieces.  
 However, their home was made out of "ginger" and "bread".  HAHAHAHA.
Each year, when we do gingerbread houses, I always purchase several additional packs of embellishments for my kids to use.  Jax was cute, he said, "I want pretzel sticks because I want to make a log house.  
These came from Sam's Club and were truly the most impressive kits that I have ever seen.  They had every single embellishment, which I have seen before, but they also included three frosting colors: white, blue, and green.  
 Silly Napoleon.  There he goes again... just one goofy shenanigan after the next. #TeenElf
 It was hard waisting (6) slices of bread to produce this elf scene, but I had to do it.
If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably seen all of these Elf scenes already.  I'm sorry you are seeing this for the second time. Although this blog is for anyone who desires to read it, this blog was and is primarily an electronic photo album used to document our family memories. Let's face it, no one does photo albums anymore. Do they? This blog is all my children will have to prove that they were once kids and had a really cool childhood. And if you don't follow me on Instagram, I apologize I am posting on old Christmas stuff. Soon enough, I will be done documenting a past holiday.  Thank you for your patience. 

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