Our Thanksgivings are always spent together, just the five of us. We have built our own little traditions and each year, we add a little something to it.

I woke up extra early and set the breakfast table really cute. Even Darren looks forward to this.
Breakfast consisted of eggs, bacon, muffins, orange juice, and fruit!
The turkey plates were BEYOND simple... seriously just throw stuff on a plate and add a turkey face. My turkey faces came from Thanksgiving napkins I had. LOL! I wish I was an artist, but I am just NOT.
I set out all of our Drumstick Dash items: t-shirts, bandanas, and hot hands.

Even though this breakfast was healthy, I felt like it was time to "Break Out The Stretchy Pants".

We set out for the race! We always walk it because the dogs can't run. Simon is terrified of all of the pot holes and comes to a complete stop, which is like slamming on your brakes on the interstate, when we are about to cross over one.
I am thankful that there are perfectly good strangers willing to capture our entire family. I am also tickled that the dogs even posed.

Jax wore this Santa hat the entire time AND made it to the Roanoke Times newspaper/online gallery because of it. Haha.
I always love capturing our beautiful downtown buildings.

Pre-Race photos.

It took us quite a while to get to the 1 mile mark. The beginning race is just so congested. We always like to beat our time from the year before, but we could tell we probably wouldn't do so.
Capturing our time during the walk. My girl didn't complain ONCE! I was beyond proud.
Hotel Roanoke!
This turkey always helps us to know we are VERY CLOSE to the finish line. He stands about 1/4 mile from it. He personally thanked my kids and said, "Because of you all, others are able to eat today!"
And there you have it... we didn't beat our time from last year AND WE WALKED crazy fast. The crowds were just too difficult to gain any kind of speed the first 35 minutes. Last year, we finished in 1 hour and 6 minutes. Oh well... who's keeping score.
We snagged the news reported, who captured Jax Santa crossing the finish line and asked her to take our photo with my cell phone. Love THIS photo.
We came home and ate breakfast again and relaxed. Some of us were exhausted. Even Jax and Sadie took a cat dog nap!
We didn't have to worry about spending hours and hours in the kitchen cooking. Darren treated our family to dinner at Shula's.
We took a few photos to capture our time together.
Ty desperately needs a haircut, but has decided to take a bribe and try to grow it out. Ugh... such a bad time of year to grow out your hair. He has a fro.
Our waiter was Virginia Tech tight end Dakota Jackson. He even had on his VA Tech bowl ring. It was gorgeous.
After dinner, we went to see "Daddy's Home 2". This may just be another new added tradition. We literally had the entire theatre to ourselves.
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