Day #3 started with a.... can you guess? A DOG WALK! The evidence were these pretty beach shots.
The NON-evidence was the fact that I arrived home sweaty, but with LAST NIGHT's make-up still in tact, thanks to my company's long lasting make-up. I am NOT proud of the fact that I went to bed wearing make-up. I fell asleep blogging, so it was accidental. BUT... how awesome that I can wake up looking ALMOST freshly showered and painted.
Day #3 was a Sunday, so we just threw on the clothes from the night before and rushed off to our church away from home. We've been several times and we really enjoy it. My kids stay so engaged. Jax even laughed so hard at one point the rest of the congregation laughed at his laugh. Haha. It's really easy to vacate from worship when you are traveling. Satan has a way of sneaking in and tempting you to be lazy and make excuses for not staying focused on #1. The sermon was great and just what our family needed.
After church, we ate lunch back at our condo and then headed out to the Tanger Outlets. ONE of our children wasn't interested in shopping, so we allowed HER to stay home, at the condo, while the rest of us shopped our little hearts out. Darren went ONE way, the boys went another, and I ANOTHER. We tried to knock out the stores that we each desired to target without dragging the others down. I love this stage of our lives because I can trust Ty to shop with Jax and Lilah to stay home if need be. When we all met back up, my boys had spent their OWN money and treated both Darren and I to a few things. They bough the a tank top and a pop socket for my cell phone. Isn't that so sweet?
Before we left for the Tanger Outlets, I left Sadie and Simon these adorable Sea Horse cookies. I brought them from home. Our local Pet Supplies store offers the cutest cookies. They are called Tail Waggers.
We had a semi- low key night. We took a walk on the beach and let the kids "night swim". They had such a blast. 
It was hard capturing crisp photos because of the dark atmosphere and constant moving.

Cartwheels on the beach.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this shot of the Apache Pier.
My handsome hubby hanging on to the dogs while I snap a few photos of the kids.

And... back to the condo we go to wash off the sand and the ocean water...
Glad ya'll had good time at the beach.