HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jesus!!! We are so thankful that we were given the greatest gift on earth, Jesus Christ. AND on Christmas morning we always acknowledge Him first by reading the Christmas Story. We pray and then we allow the kids to open up their stockings.
The night before, I set everything out. My children LOVE to come down to a complete surprise AND I prefer that too. I think if the gifts sit out for two weeks or whatever, even the wrapping paper grows dull. It makes for a late-to-bed Christmas Eve night, but their morning reactions are well worth it. (Above): Jax's gifts. (Before): Lilah's gifts.
(Above): Darren's stash. (Below): Ty's stash.
Look at the sweet smiles and draw dropping reactions.
I am FULLY in love with the unique Christmas jammies that I picked out for my children too. Both Ty and Jax's pjs came from TARGET, believe it or NOT. I spotted Jax's pjs ONLINE and fell IMMEDIATELY IN LOVE. The pajamas are by Cat & Jack. I didn't realize that they were ALSO sold in the store, but they were. I had the daunting task of designing pjs for Liley that coordinated. I got Lilah's pjs from ETSY. The shop name was called, Miss Sew It All. I loved the way it all came together.
Stocking time...
I asked the kids dos how me their favorite stocking gift. Lilah's was a "Secret Love Letter" pen.
Jaxey loved too many things, haha. Lottery tickets, money soap, and sneaky Ninja cards.
You know you have grown up a bit when SOCKS are your favorite stocking gift.
After stockings, we always eat breakfast. WELL, Darren and I eat breakfast. LOL! The kids are too excited and just refuse to eat. Darren and I make this EVERY Christmas: Applewood bacon, breakfast egg casserole, and creme brûlée french toast. It's soooooo yummy.
I really didn't take many pictures after this point. I was more interested in enjoying them open everything.
(Above): Both boys got drones. (Below): Jax got a slot machine. His brother and sister rejoiced with him, in awe!
Final gifts for the boys were the same, so we had them stand back-to-back and NOT saying WHAT was under that wrapping paper until each of them had it fully unwrapped.
From their reactions, I guess it's safe to say that they were a BIG hit.
Time for Liley's big gift.
True blue reaction! TOTAL SHOCK! She got an iPad mini.
Finally, Santa arrived. He leaves their gifts in the basement, next to our other big tree. Each of our kids are given instructions to wait for their turn and to wait for us to say the #3. We count down, "1, 2, ...... 3".

Santa brought Jax an Ezekiel Elliot jersey, an amazon gift card, a "puppy", an "Big Bang" anki car, and a 3 foot gummy worm.
He wasted NO TIME chowing down on that gummy worm.
"1, 2, .... 3"

Ty received a weight bench, a goat cell phone case, an amazon gift card, and a 3 foot gummy worm.
"1, 2, ...3"

Lilah asked Santa for a BIG Teddy Bear, a puppy, and a TON of sweatshirts. She received a BUILD-A-Bear gift card, with a build-a-bear accessory, a 3 foot gummy worm, ONE sweat shirt, a "puppy" and a karaoke microphone!
Let me just stop and mention one of the COOLEST gifts EVER that my hubby bought me. He printed EVERY.SINGLE.PHOTO ever posted on Instagram. CRAAAAAAZZEEEE COOL! He really is a creative gift giver.
The rest of the day was a bit of a blur. LOL! We did have a nice dinner as well. I was thankful to NOT have to pull out my Christmas china. Instead, I used gold silverware/cups, "Merry Christmas" paper plates. Santa napkins, and a plaid tablecloth, from Target. I LOVED the way it looked.
I made my traditional "Not Your Momma's Banana Pudding". I make it every Christmas and every year my kids look forward to it.
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